How to Get Rid of Flies in the Home Fast?

how to get rid of flies

This guide will assist you in how to get rid of flies if they have taken over your home and will also keep more from coming in. House flies, which make up around 90% of all flies in homes, are a common nuisance. 

House flies don’t bite, but their feet are home to millions of microorganisms that can spread pathogens and food-borne diseases. Fortunately, you can prevent and get rid of house flies in your house using safe, natural methods.

Nothing gets under your skin quite like the sound of a fly buzzing around the house. Even though you could get rid of that one house fly with a fly swatter, there is probably more buzzing around inside. 

how to get rid of flies

Although house flies are typically associated with the summer, they can cause problems throughout the year because of their year-round reproduction.

What Causes Flies?

If you’re wondering why there are suddenly a lot of flies in your home, keep in mind that they are highly perceptive, opportunity-seeking insects. Determine what draws flies to your house and get rid of the source to get rid of them.

Fly infestations are common in several areas of your house, such as garbage cans, sink garbage disposal drains, and ripening fruit on counters.

Flies thrive in warm environments that contain decaying food, pet waste, or used diapers. Flies are drawn to outdoor areas, trash cans, compost piles, animal excrement, and outdoor lights.

Because of the abundance of fly habitats, outdoor home infestations are more common among homesteaders, backyard farmers, and rural living situations.

Ways that Houseflies Can Harm Humans

how to get rid of flies

Houseflies can appear harmless since they might not sting or bite as painfully as their larger cousins, horseflies, wasps, and bees.

However, because they are always flying from trash, manure, and decaying matter to other areas, it is simple for flies to carry bacteria that can contaminate your food.

Usually, a fly transmits disease by regurgitating on food or surfaces that come into contact with human hands. Numerous illnesses, such as the following, can be brought on by this contamination:

  • Food poisoning
  • Dysentery
  • Cholera
  • E. coli
  • Typhoid fever
  • Tuberculosis
  • Eye infections

How to Get Rid of Flies Inside the House

If you’re having a lot of flies in your house, there are plenty of things you can do to make your home less inviting to them and drive those that have already entered out.

Don’t automatically reach for bug repellent. The more of these you can finish off immediately, the better. Flies breed swiftly.

1. Seal the Entrance

With family members, pets, and guests coming and going, it’s challenging to keep flies outside, but this is your best line of defense against flying insects.

Inspect and fix any broken mesh on the door and window screens. To keep flies out of windows and other small openings, we should use caulk around them.

For high-traffic portals, like those that lead to a patio or deck, think about installing a magnetic screen door with a quick-closing feature. Of course, you should never leave a cellar or attached garage doors open for a long time.

2. Remove the Bait

Eliminate or reduce the items that attract flies from your home to make it less inviting to them. Above all, avoid leaving any food debris—especially uncovered items—out on counters or tables.

Houseflies are especially drawn to vinegar and fruit, apples. Make sure the dishwasher door is securely closed, wash dishes right away after meals rather than putting them in the sink, and keep countertops free of crumbs.

Additionally, be aware of pet food, trash, and compost. These can easily develop into flying breeding grounds since they draw flies as well. 

3. Lure them Outside With Light

Because insects are drawn to light, you can use this trick to get rid of flies that are bothering you in your home: 

On a clear, sunny day, close the door to the fly-infested room and draw the drapes and blinds closed except for one small opening that allows light to pass through.

Widen the window to let in the outside air. Naturally, flies should be attracted to the light and fly away.

4. Swat, Suck, and Stick

Even with preventative measures, flies might still manage to enter your house. Use the proper technique and an old-fashioned flyswatter or rolled-up newspaper to combat flies. Having good vision and quick reflexes is beneficial when battling flies. 

Given that houseflies have nearly 360 degrees of vision, it is advisable to approach from the back and hover just above the ground before making a quick, forceful flick with your weapon. 

Since flies are among the few insects that are actively influenced by color, for optimal stealth, use a flyswatter with a neutral tone.

5. Build and Bait a Natural Fly Trap

Use an easy-to-make, natural fly trap to entice and capture unwanted insects. A plastic container, plastic wrap, and fly bait (such as fruit, vinegar, or apple cider vinegar) are all you need.

After you’ve won the battle, dispose of the flies that you’ve drawn in and contained by setting up the fly trap in a corner. If you prefer not to do things yourself, get a fly trap to capture and eliminate flies.

6. Use Houseplants to Repel Flies

You can use essential oils and potted plants in your arsenal to ward off insects. A mint, lavender, and basil indoor herb garden is a formidable foe to insects. If you place them on the kitchen windowsill, there will be fewer flies inside. 

As an alternative, fill a spray bottle with water and a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oil. Mist door and window frames often to deter flies.

When to Call a Pro About Your Fly Problem

how to get rid of flies

Pereira says it’s crucial to treat the outside of your home for flies and then try your best to prevent them from entering the house unless you have a fly infestation, which is not common.

However, it might be time to hire a professional exterminator if you feel you see flies all the time. They are very bothersome, and you’ve tried all the DIY remedies without success.

Preventing a Housefly Infestation

Preventing a housefly infestation in the first place is the best course of action. Make sure there are no places for them to lay eggs and take out anything that might draw flies.

1. Ensure that the vents in your home, windows, and doors are properly sealed and free of any damage or holes.

2. As soon as the bag is full, remove it from the garbage can by using a lid that fits snugly.

3. We should properly store food in sealed containers.

4. We should never leave glasses and dishes out on the counter.

5. Avoid letting leaves or grass clippings decompose in the vicinity of your home.

6. When it’s possible, turn off your outdoor lights at night. Light draws flies to it.

7. Rat poison should not be used to kill rodents, as the carcasses may draw flies.

8. We should immediately clean animal waste up, such as from a cat’s litter box.

Infestations of houseflies are more than just a bother. They may also pose a health risk to you. You can lessen your chances of having a housefly infestation by keeping your home tidy, especially with food waste.

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