How to Get Rid of Fleas in House, Yard, and Pets?

how to get rid of fleas

How to get rid of fleas should be what you need if you have infestations of fleas in your house, this can be a major issue.

Do you know that these fleas can cause irritation and allergic reactions, spreading illnesses, and, in severe cases, cause major blood loss and illness?

So, you see reasons why you should do everything possible to keep your pet and house flea-free. However, effective flea protection means treating not just your pet but also your home and yard.

So, to get rid of fleas, you have to perform simple things like washing pet bedding, keeping the yard clear, and keeping the grass short, besides putting a safe and efficient flea control treatment on your pet.

how to get rid of fleas

A flea infestation can be frustrating and time-consuming. However, the problem can be eliminated using a combination of cleaning methods, sprays, and pet-friendly topical medications, among other options.

How to Get Rid of Fleas with Ease

You may get rid of fleas by controlling them at each stage. First, consider how you will treat your dogs. Fleas and their eggs, however, can be found in various areas of your home and yard.

It aids in comprehending the flea life cycle. Fleas lay a lot of eggs as adults. These eggs could fall off your pet and land all over the place. These eggs will develop into larvae.

They are so small that it is difficult to see them. These larvae can wind up in various places in your home, such as furniture, flooring, and pet beds.

They will spin a cocoon there. When they reach maturity, they will emerge as adult fleas, and the cycle will begin again.

1. Call the Vet

Is your pet on a flea and tick preventative? If they are, it is obvious that it is not working. Inquire with your veterinarian about their recommendations. 

You want a treatment that works well in your climate and cures fleas at all stages, from egg to adult pests. Most flea treatments require one pill every month to keep fleas from itching you and your pets.

If your pet is already receiving flea medication, consult your veterinarian about switching to something different. Also, make certain that you treat every creature in the house.

2. Crank up the Vacuum Cleaner

If you rarely vacuum, fleas should motivate you to start. Vacuuming regularly reduces the number of fleas and their eggs in carpets and cracks in wood floors, draperies, and upholstered furniture. 

It also traps them beneath the furniture. Don’t forget to vacuum around your pet’s sleeping and eating areas. 

Empty the vacuum cleaner bin or dispose of bags in a rubbish can outdoors as soon as possible to prevent fleas from returning.

3. Wash Bedding in Hot, Soapy Water

Hot and soapy water can also do the trick in getting rid of fleas around the home.

Making use of hot, soapy water, so wash your cat’s or dog’s bed kills fleas once a week. If your pets sleep in your bed or with your children, wash everyone’s bedding.

With this method, the heat will definitely kill the fleas that have been lurking around in your bedding.

4. Use a Flea Comb

A flea comb with small teeth may appear archaic, yet it can effectively remove fleas from your pet.

Perform it outside, concentrating on the neck and tail base. Keep a cup of hot, soapy water nearby.

Use it to soak the comb to drown the fleas. Regular flea combing will also inform you of the effectiveness of your flea management efforts.

5. Give Your Dog a Bath

After you’ve vacuumed and washed the bedding, bathe your dog. Bathing your pet regularly will also aid in the removal of fleas from your home.

You don’t need to use a flea wash because any soap will kill them. However, make certain that the soap you use is suitable for a cat or dog.

Some people like to complete their bath with a pleasant-smelling essential oil, which may keep fleas at bay.

6. Consider Your Yard

Outside in your yard, your pets can continue to pick up fleas. Try the following ways to keep them under control outside:

  • Keep the lawn trimmed and remove yard garbage such as clippings, branches, and leaves. Fleas prefer dark, humid, and shaded areas.
  • Keep your pets away from crawl spaces and other areas where wild animals with fleas may congregate.
  • Where your pets spend time outside, such as kennels, dog runs, or dog houses, should be treated.
  • Plant fennel, lavender, mint, pennyroyal, or other plants that fleas dislike repelling them. These plants are safe to have near your dogs, but they should not be eaten.

7. Use Baking Soda

Use baking soda to get rid of fleas that are hiding in the fibers of your carpet. Sprinkle some on your carpet, scrub it, and then vacuum it up to achieve this.

Similarly, vacuuming your carpet regularly will assist in warding off pests. Since fleas can spread disease to people, you should thoroughly clean every area.

While using this method please be cautious around pets to avoid any ingestion by your dogs or your cats.

8. Use Rosemary

Fleas repel rosemary’s strong pungent smell, so this technique also works wonders if your dog has fleas. To make it work, bring some rosemary to a boil in a pan of water, then let it cool overnight.

Next, pour the liquid into a spray bottle, being careful to keep the sprigs apart to prevent any from falling in.

Use a small amount of the natural solution to mist your dog’s fur the next time you give it a wash to help deter fleas.

Why Do I Need to Treat My Yard and Pets for Fleas?

how to get rid of fleas

Protecting your pet from fleas might be difficult because mature fleas on your pet account for less than 5% of all fleas in and around your home.

Adult fleas leap onto dogs, bite them, and deposit eggs, but the rest of the flea’s life cycle takes place in your home and yard, from egg to adult.

Fleas are hardy creatures that can enter your home and onto your pets. Furthermore, some pets may not utilize flea treatments owing to allergies or other medical conditions.

That is why you should treat your yard for fleas at the same time as you treat your pet for fleas. This can help limit a pet’s flea exposure.

How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Fleas?

The time it takes to get rid of a flea infestation varies depending on your environment and how long the fleas have been there.

Prompt washing and applying topical flea treatments to your pet may eliminate the bulk of fleas in a day or two. Even with the most meticulous method, it can take days to weeks for all the fleas in a setting to die.

Fleas lay many eggs in a short time, and some fleas have acquired resistance to treatments and pesticides.

It may take longer to get rid of fleas if you have a large property or several dogs. The secret to dealing with fleas is perseverance.

How Fleas Attach to Your Pet

how to get rid of fleas

Fleas can live without a host for up to two weeks, so your pets may come into touch with them in backyards, dog parks, and kennels, not to mention contracting them from another animal with fleas. 

When an adult female flea attaches to your pet, she can lay up to 50 eggs each day and live for up to 100 days (depending on her age at the time of attachment). 

According to Kratt, the female flea will begin laying eggs “within a day” of attaching to your pet, and those eggs will hatch into larvae, which will then grow into pupae. This is the cocoon stage, the final developmental stage before the adult flea emerges.

Fleas do not disappear on their own. An infestation without any treatment will be a long and ongoing battle for homeowners.

It is best to work with a pest control professional to eradicate an infestation before it becomes a larger health concern for you, your home, and your pets.

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